Endless Dismal Moan - Demo 2 // Chaos II


Endless Dismal Moan is the brainchild of Japanese musician Chaos 9(R.I.P). Embracing the digital production and aesthetics of his era as well as incorporating the suffocating sensation of Japanese horror. Endless Dismal Moan provides a completely twisted take on the very idea of raw black metal that remains unsurpassed to this very day.

We have been given permission by a live band member and close associate of Chaos 9(R.I.P) to reissue this second demo as well as the Chaos II demo that is constained within the second part of this compilation.

Demo 2 still maintains a lot of the raw outbursts from Demo 1 but this time there is added exploration and experimentation with more complex riffs, deeper dives into ambience as well as the use of synths as lead instrument and despite the large scope and ambition, the nightmarish feelings at the heart of this project are just as strong as Chaos 9 invites us into the world of his twisted hallucinations.

Chaos II preceeds both demos and presents the genesis of the many ideas that would be explored throughout this band's existence. This is the only time where Chaos 9's influences are heavily felt but his own voice still shines through. This is as close to "conventional" that EDM would ever be musically but Chaos 9's performance and idiosyncratic approach to composition show that he was always on a different level.

Bandcamp: https://endlessdismalmoan.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2-chaos-ii

The CD contains a bonus song from the Chaos II sessions