Endless Dismal Moan - Demo 1
Endless Dismal Moan is the brainchild of Japanese musician Chaos 9(R.I.P). Embracing the digital production and aesthetics of his era as well as incorporating the suffocating sensation of Japanese horror. Endless Dismal Moan provides a completely twisted take on the very idea of raw black metal that remains unsurpassed to this very day.
We have been given permission by a live band member and close associate of Chaos 9(R.I.P) to reissue the first 2 demos of EDM's in their full glory as well as exclusive demo tracks from that time period only available on the CD reissue. On Youtube we have uploaded the first 2 untitled demo tracks while the other 2 can only be listened to on the CD itself. Pre-orders for the first demo are now up and CDs will be sent out on the 30th of August with the second demo coming shortly after .
Here on Demo 1 you will find Chaos 9's ideas in their most spontaneous and immediate form. While further releases would expand upon the ideas offered here, none quite match the immediacy and raw outbursts of demo 1.
Bandcamp: https://endlessdismalmoan.bandcamp.com/album/demo-1